Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Getting the most out of church

We hear these things all the time:
"I'm just not getting much out of church."
"That church isn't meeting my needs."
"I thought the worship service was flat this morning."

And I have to admit that it is easy to slip into the "entertain me" mode of church-going. I've found myself in that posture more than once.

At other times, I have found myself in a very different mindset. I notice that when I have been spending a lot of time in deep Bible study, when I have been consistently in praise-prayer, when my mind is fixed on seeking God above all else, my trip to the church building on Sunday morning is much different. When I approach a Sunday morning worship service from a week of devotion, the church experience is much richer.

Here are some thoughts on how I get the most out of church:

(do these things during the week before going to church on Sunday morning)
Pray by name for the people I will be worshipping with.
Pray by name for the people who are shut-in/sick and will be unable to participate in the worship.
Lift for God's blessing the Bible teachers and their lessons for all Bible classes.
Pray for the minister's lesson preparation and delivery.
Spend regular times in meditation on scripture, letting God speak to my heart.
Invite someone to go to church.

(the night before)
Go to bed at a decent hour so that I will be rested and ready to worship.

(Sunday morning)
Get up early and pray for the church and its outreach to the lost.
Pray that those who are looking for excuses to skip church don't find them.
Pray that God will work through everyone in the church to welcome seekers.
Make sure I have plenty of time to get ready for church so that I can avoid being harried.

(at the building)
Take time to greet everyone I see, pausing with those who need to talk.
Watch for people who need extra assistance of any kind.

(during worship)
Glance around and thank God for my fellow worshippers.
As I look at each one, thank God (specifically if possible) for the talents of that person.
Recognize that God has gathered this group together for His purposes.
No making grocery lists or other unrelated notes!
Pray that the church's eyes will be opened to see the good works planned in advance.
Worship God for his daily care and saving grace.

When I prepare myself for worship, my heart experiences church in a new way.
I know this is a simplistic list, but it's a starting place for me.


Anonymous said...

such great thoughts and good for me to hear.

Anonymous said...

what's up? I love your thoughts. I would love to add them to a primer that I am developing for students at our church. would that be ok with you? I will have your blog listed as the reference.