Thursday, October 18, 2007


For a good many years I have had a personal tradition: every January, I take a day off from work on a day when I know I can be undisturbed at home.

I spend the day in Bible study, meditation, prayer, and goal setting for the year ahead.
I have a deep conviction that the goal setting cannot be done apart from the other three.

Although there is no set agenda for the day, I generally spend the morning in Bible study, meditation, and prayer. I rarely begin my goal setting until afternoon -- after I have spent several hours honoring God, devoting myself to Him and His will for me.

Most years I set a variety of goals for myself -- goals in my spiritual walk, in my interpersonal relationships (family/friends/etc), in my professional life, in my personal health/well being, and sometimes in general areas (learn a foreign language) or creative areas (write short stories). I write down whatever goals seem appropriate.

When I approach goal setting, I don't shy away from any area of my life because I believe all of my life to be wholly God's. I am certain that if I offer it to Him, God can use growth in any area of my life.

When I'm ready to start my goal setting, I generally begin with a statement of who I am at this point in my life. I describe myself. I begin with "I am a child of God." Then I describe the external facts about my self , such as my age, etc. (I usually write notes as I move through this day because it helps me remain focused.)

Next, I think back over my life experiences. I medidate on how God has been faithful to me in the past. I note His blessings.

Next, I think about the promises God has made concerning my future. I recall what I know about God's character and his relationship with His children.

Finally, I prayerfully list the goals that come to mind for the year ahead. I offer them up to God for His consideration. I end by praying my submission to His tender care.

This tradition has been a rich practice for me over the years. Often during the year, I see doors open and unanticipated opportunities blossom, allowing me to move forward in achieving some of the goals on my list. Occasionally I see doors close. Some years it seems that God adds His own (different) things to my list.

Perhaps God looks forward to these goal setting days of togetherness as much as I do.
" . . . those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness." Prov 14:22

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